Test 123
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About us

How to raise the village
to raise the child

The Village Project - supporting children of parents with mental illness in Austria

Research Group Village of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft in cooperation with the Medical University Innsbruck

Children of parents with a mental illness (COPMI) often need additional supports to lead the happy and healthy lives they desire. In some cases though, those supports are either not available or not found by families, resulting in negative long-term outcomes for these children. This four-year research project aims to increase identification and strengthen formal and informal supports around children when their parents have a mental illness. This project will be co-developed with stakeholders and will implement and evaluate two practice approaches, focused on the child and on principles of collaborative care. The project utilizes a realist framework (as well as implementation science principles, and the theory of symbolic interactionism) and mixed-methodologies, and involves numerous data collection methods including: literature reviews, questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, and observations to determine the impact and benefits of providing increased supports for COPMI in Austria.


  • We are looking for people with lived experience to be involved in our research!

    June 6, 2023

    We are looking for people with lived experience to be involved in our research! 

    Dear mothers and fathers, 

    Let's talk about perinatal mental illness!

  • The association KiB children care organizes emergency mamas*papas for children at home in case of illness in the family

    December 19, 2022

    KiB organizes care and nursing at home for children who are ill.
    KiB provides support for the costs incurred by a child's illness, such as
    with the care at home, the nursing at home and with the accompanying costs in the hospital. KiB represents the concerns of the families in politics, with authorities, in the
    hospitals and in public.

  • Continuing project on perinatal mental health

    November 3, 2022

    Healthy Minds - Support new parents and their infants 

    Since April 2022, we have been working on a continuing research project Healthy Minds on perinatal mental health in Tyrol. We are providing here project information and resources for parents and families seeking information and support on infant and child mental health.

