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Welcome to our community space. Here you are able to contribute to the conversation about children who have a parent with a mental illness. We will set up different topics that can be discussed, and please let us know if you have a suggestion! Please register below if you would like to add a comment. You can use a picture of yourself or create an avatar if you would prefer. This forum has been created so that the public can engage in sharing ideas and opinions about our research project, and the topic. This discussion is closely monitored, so please respect others in your comments. Any offensive, disrespectful, or aggressive comments will be removed and users may be banned from further contributions. We may not be qualified and unable to provide support to any individuals who may become distressed as a result of reading or engaging in our forum. Should the content cause distress, we encourage individuals to seek support through their local mental health support services. If you have specific questions about our research, please get in touch with us through the ‘contact’ page.

Forum Etiquette / FAQ / Contact

This discussion is closely monitored, so please respect others in your comments. Any offensive, disrespectful, or aggressive comments will be removed and users may be banned from further contributions. 

What is this forum?

This forum has been created so that the public can engage in sharing ideas and opinions about our research project, and the topic.

I have an idea for a forum topic, what should I do?

Get in touch with us via the contact page and we will respond to your request.

What should I do if I need help?

We may not be qualified and unable to provide support to any individuals who may become distressed as a result of reading or engaging in our forum. Should the content cause distress, we encourage individuals to seek support through their local mental health support services.

Are there any resources for families where a parent has a mental illness?

We are developing a list of English and German language resources on our 'resources and materials' page. If you have any further suggestions, please get in touch.

How can I find out more information about this research project?

If you have specific questions about our research, please get in touch with us through the ‘contact’ page.

Conversation Topics